Football! And a 400ft drop.

So on Thursday the company took us out to wave goodbye to another summers worth of interns, but as far as I could see, Gary and I were the only interns there! So anyway, we were treated to a day out in Six Flags, NJ. The bus departed at about 10 and saw us there for about 12. Once we had picked up our “Flash Passes” to save us from queuing for rides, we were on our way (Having been standing in the sweltering heat for about 30minutes). Nitro was the first port of call, starting the day off with an immediate climb and fall from 230ft reaching 80mph.

Nitro, a refreshing start to your day.

Straight on from here we headed to Batman, which was a little more twisty with corkscrews and loop-d-loops, resulting in a slightly more unsettled stomach, but we went for some food and water before heading back out. Next on the list was the slightly under-achieving Skull Mountain. Much like a Dime bar, it was smooth on the outside yet crunchy on the inside. Set inside a pitch black warehouse it resulted in mostly mid-ride witty-comments and banged up knees as I tried to fit into the carriage. Back outside, we went for a “rapids” ride to hopefully get us a bit wet and cool us down. While under-whelming it did provide for some good group entertainment and managed to get us a little cooler.
Like an attractive blonde, it looks good, but lacks depth.

Damp, we made our way to the opposite side of the park. On the way to Superman: Ultimate Fight we came across some mad contraption that was launching people across the path above our heads and so with Gary's interest peaked we signed up for a reservation. As we continued across to S:UF we spotted the flagship coaster of the park running, a sign in the morning had said the ride would be closed all day, but there was definitely activity on it at the moment so we pushed on towards S:UF. S:UF was a great ride, unlike most coasters, once you are seated in your seats the carriage tilts to leave you “floating” mid-air with your belly to the ground. This seating position allows for that genuine “Superman” experience as you “fly” along the track – single outstretched arm optional. Great fun.
Swing thing. Taken later in the day on the way home.

Once out, we hurried towards Kingda Ka, but it was all in vain as once we got there and held our Flash Pass to the machine, we were told that the ride had closed down. Asking around, it turns out that the train had failed to peak one of the climbs and rolled back down....backwards. Lovely. Disappointed (yet some-what relived at the time) we mad our way back towards our catapult reservation. We got hooked up and hoisted into the air before being dropped, under Gary's control, and left to swing across the cheering crowd of Taxstream below us. Un-hooked and back on solid ground, the news filtered through, we had 5 minutes until we were due at Kingda Ka, it had been re-opened. I was ready for a bit of a sit down at that stage, but we pushed on regardless.
My final salute as I prepare to face potential death. Gary takes this moment to pick some sleep, unphased. (Or perhaps wiping a single tear?;)) Fellow employee Brij to the right.

Huge old turtle. Walked funny too.

After a small queue, the moment arrived, I wasn't really thinking about the logistics of what was going to happen, just that it was going to be fast, high and probably a little scary. The truth of the situation is; Kingda Ka is currently the world's fastest and tallest coaster, opened in May 2005, 0-128mph in 3.5 seconds, climbing with a 90degree twist to 456ft before falling back down 418ft through a 270degree twist followed by a climb up a smaller hill which offers a moments weightlessness before being brought back down to speed and into the platform. All in 28seconds. It was an incredible experience, and not nearly as gut-wrenching as some of the previous coasters, just pure adrenaline-fueled fun. As it turns out, the “failing” of the train and sliding back is an irregularly expected occurrence and measures are in place to “fail-safe”, in fact, some regulars aim to experience this rollback.

Not my video, but it will give you an idea. I was 3rd row.
Some more food was in order after that, as we meet up with the rest of the group. I was content with my day, and spent the last hour or two sitting around with the group as some ventured to El Torro, the worlds tallest wooden coaster. Back on the bus around 7:30 we stopped in a local town to pick up some beers, this trip was not done yet! After a boisterous journey home, we arrived in Hoboken and went our separate ways. Not bad for a free day out on the office. I think I may just be falling in love with Taxstream, hats off to the guys.
Friday was a relatively quiet day in the office and unfortunately I missed some NY Jets tickets that were being sold on the cheap for a game on the Friday but Gary's friend avec girlfriend had arrived into Newark in the morning and so we went out with them on the Friday night to the local. A good night was had, finished off by some lavish concoction entitled; Red Death (Cocktail party this Christmas? :) ). Thankfully we only had a block to walk home.
Saturday was an early start (we never learn) as we made our way into Hoboken to try and catch the Dublin game @ 10. It didn't take long to find a good sports bar by the name of...em...can't remember, something Irish anyway; Mulligan's? A hefty charge of $20 was issued for entry into the less-popular sports section which played host to the Dublin – Derry game; I could have gotten a ticket for that back home! There was a splattering of supports there, about 10 in total but there was a good atmosphere and the game went the right way with a 18-15 victory to Dublin; although there was some panic in the closing few minutes. Let's have you Kerry, you won't be so lucky on the 26th.
We stuck around for a while to watch some of the rugby (England – France, go on the French, typical finish) and the start of the Premiership Liverpool V Aston Villa which had a cracking finish. Back to Bayonne for a while before I made my way towards NYC towards an unknown destiny. It was the NY Giants first pre-season game on Saturday 11th against the Carolina Panthers at the Meadowlands so I said I would go out and chance my arm at getting some tickets. Arriving about 2 and a half hours before kick-off I figured I'd have plenty of time to source a ticket and not get shafted. Once I arrived however, I noticed some people queuing at one of the ticket vendors of the stadium so I approached them, while I knew it would cost me more, I had never bought tout before and so felt slightly more secure with an official purchase. “What's the cheapest you got?” I asked, a phrase I have gotten used to. $75 came the response. Taken aback is an understatement. “Well, what else you got so?”, “75, 80, 85, 95” “*sigh*, and where are the 85s?” “Lower section, by the 50yrd line” “Go on then”. I was expecting $20-50 max, but I had come with the intention to get in and this was a guarantee, plus, I didn't know just how busy/available things would be so I handed over the money, tear-eyed.
A minute later as I was walking towards the gate, I was stopped by a guy.
“Looking for tickets?”
“No thanks.” and then I pause, and this is the moment when the ignorant bliss fails...
“Actually.... how much?”
“$40, lower section”
I got over it quickly enough because this was one of the main things I wanted to do when I came here and I despite being over for 6 months, I'd almost missed the entire season (I'll be here for two regular season NY Giant games). I moved into the stadium and into my seats, which were awkwardly placed at the back of the lower section with an obtrusive roof over my head, but as per my cunning plan that would not prove a problem. The lower section ticket gave me access to the best tier and since attendance was probably less than 50% I was able to easily hope down a few rows and get as close as you'd want to the game. I was around 2 hours early so was able to watch the two teams warm-up and practice to make sure I got my moneys worth. It was an excellent night once the action got under way, it was a shame that it was not a regular season game as it lacked that drive, spirit and atmosphere that would no doubt be present at a more significant game but there was still a buzz about the stadium and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. As it happens, the Giants lost on the night 24-21 but not to worry.
(OK, that was a long passage of text, here are some pictures to reward you!)
Em, there is a game on today....right?

No problem walking right up to the sidelines before the game.

Half-time pee-wee game, was great fun to watch.

Blurry men!

I don't think they'll notice if we infringe on the player-on-pitch limit just a little.

Sunday was a day trip to Long Beach again with Gary and crew. A lovely hot day, great for some swimming, football throwing and sun-bathing so we took in what we could.
How can you eat between subjecting yourself to all those G forces! Looks like you continue to pack as much as possible into every week. Don't know hw you can eat and push G foreces at the same time though!!Keep forgetting that your run at Taxstream ends earlier than your return home. Looks like you made the best of that too. Nice one on the tickets (ok so you invested heavily but at least you made the most of it) When are the regular season games on? Until next Tuesday then!
Sunday 9/9
Sunday 9/16 (Yes, I've adopted the American month format! :( )
Jets game on the 9th is at home to New England.
Giants game on the 16th is at home to Green Bay.
Yeah, only 4 and a half weeks left in Taxstream now.
That's a great company you work for - any excuse for a day out! "Flash Passes" with no que .... now THAT is the way to go! Some of those rides look and sound brilliant! I'm marking it down as a place to go next time in USA. You must have been walking huge-old-turtle style after some of the rides! The video is brilliant - got a few gasps from people in the office here!
You were that early for the game, and then don't those games go on for about four hours? You must have been there half the day!
And don't worry - we'll soon get you back to the real format for your dates! 9/16 indeed ... !
Yo AJ - back from the North-West and up-to-date with your blog. Unfortunately had just finished my Sunday roast and am now feeling like up-chucking after the video - Richard sniggering beside me (dont know why....he can clean up if it comes to that!)
Relieved to see you were a bit homesick, wouldn't like you to get too comfortable in the States!!
Enjoy the visit with your Dad.
ps presume you followed in your Father's good footsteps and got a guitar for Brendan in Philly's Hard Rock???!!!
Back to Philly methinks ..... !
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