Arty Farty.

We got out to another Yankees game on the Monday of this week with tickets costing us roughly $7. We didn't have the plush corporate seats this time and were shunted up to the “tier” at the very top of the stadium with the rest of the plebes, but the reward for such seats was a much more lively atmosphere. The game was a more exciting one this time, with the Yankees coming out on top 6-4 against Toronto.
Saturday wasn't filled with too much excitement as I had misplaced my traveling guides and when I went into the city to go places, I didn't know where they were so just spent the day walking about and lazing in Central Park.
Once I was reunited with my precious books, I was ready to hit the museums on Sunday. My first destination was the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, thankfully I got in at a discount with my student card because this place bored me almost to tears.
A masterpiece, I think you'll agree.

Where do they come up with these wacky ideas? God bless that Arts degree. *ducks*

It's not big, and it's not clever.

I think the artist's thinking behind this work is; haha, watch us put blank canvases on the walls and charge people $20 to get in and they WILL pay because they wish to maintain their self-important pompous and pretentious image. (I cannot be included in that category since I payed discount) Although I may have mis-interpreted the work, it's easy to do. PS; it's entirly possible this was a place-holder, but it's hard to tell.

Finally, something decent.

It's me, in the nip, with the horse. (Father Ted for those scratching their heads)

I believe this piece came about when the "artist" had too much paint left after a renovation of his (or her) sitting room, along with a few sample colours from B&Q.

This chap bought a brand new canvas, cut a slash in it and stuck it on a wall. Apparantly this made it "3D". The mind boggles.


Here's a hint; the "paintings" in the MoMA are rubbish.

This was definitely my favorite thing in the museum, almost worth the price of admission. We used to get in desperate trouble for trying to (unknowingly) recreate this painting in the notebooks of our fellow pupils in secondary school. To think of all the wasted art work buried on the pages of our maths books that the world will never see, it's a travesty.

When I finally escaped the MoMA, I got something to eat before wandering over to the Frick Collection. Another student discount was in order, which saw me in at $5, not too bad. There was actual art in the Frick Collection and some very impressive pieces altogether, but the collection was short lived and I was in and out in about 20minutes, no pictures allowed.
Overall, I think I'll stick to jumping out of planes for my kicks.
Part of the reason for the two previous quiet weeks is that Anna and her family are coming over next week, so I've gotta have some funds for that and with that in mind, there won't be a blog next Monday, you'll have to tide yourselves over for a week.
WHAT? NO Blog. Tide ourselves over!! Call yourself an artist:Its a travesty! And the Yankees won. Is there no justice in the world. Oh, there is - O'Reilly was conviceted and finally, finally Padraig won a Major! Just as well its now AJ R - 2 M. And Arctic Bikes will publish as usual on Tuesday evening! BTW you should try the Met while you are doing museums: you could spend the whole day there. Have a good week.
All the same - shouldn't Seamus give up the day job and just sell his paintings - he'd make a fortune! We're going to Mayo on 4th August so may miss your next few blogs....something to look forward to on our return! Enjoy the visit with Anna and her folks.
What the? .... ! Did you know that "shift + Esc" deletes EVERYTHING you've just written?! Found out the hard way but thankfully had only gone a couple of lines! I think I was aiming for shift+w, missed the w, hit the Esc and woooosh. Blank box. Like a blank canvas. So here goes again ...
That chap will catch his death of cold. Poor horse. Art?! Wow. But think what it does for us struggling "artists" - does wonders for our confidence!
Go Yankees!
Don't worry about no blog for a while ... I'm away from Saturday for ... about three weeks, on this expedition. So unless there's net access somewhere along the Shannon I'm not reading. Like a blank canvas. Which could be construed as artistic ... ? Maybe?
I have just looked out my window and it's raining again. I believe this is 58 continuous days of rain every day. I'm hoping the clouds will be empty soon.
Enjoy your visit from Anna and family!
Ah, yes, I had been meaning to compliment Seamus on his art work and suggest he get it shipped over here for some easy recognition/money, you would be hailed as a God Seamus.
Yankees won 21-4 yesterday too! I saw Padraig's win, he very nearly threw it all away.
Yeah, I was going to do the Met, but the guide book suggested it was $20, I'll have to see if they will discount me.
Have fun along the Shannon and in Mayo, see you all in a couple of weeks!
Andy, sometimes it's just art for art's sake! It can't always be "Man's Eternal Struggle Against the Elements"! (c) Seamus Fearon.
You should reconsider the Met - it was the highlight of NY for me and it does contain "real" art. But you need to leave a fair chunk of time to get around it.
And in keeping with my reputation there is a musical reference in this comment!
We'll miss the blog, looking forward to when you'll be back on air.
(Make that two musical references)!!
Heya Andy, hows things the blog is deadly have to say your sky diving video is deadly...Me and Anna were sayin we are gona do it when we go to America again. Your blog is deadly fair play, everyone said hello enjoy the rest of ur stay in America and we will tlk to you soon.
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