Sunshine, lolipops and rainbows.

The weatherman was unsure about exactly how the day was going to go, so I decided to trust his indecision and play out the day, step by step. First port of call was Brooklyn Bridge. It's actually quite a bustling place with tourists, locals, walkers, runners and cyclists all out for some activity. It was a nice walk across the bridge and by the time I got to Brooklyn, the sun was maintaining it's presence. From here, I decided to go to Coney Island since the subway brought me straight to the door. In sticking with tradition , a Nathan's hot dog was the first thing I picked up before heading towards the beach.


A quick snapshot of the boardwalk at Coney Island.

Human paintball target; where do I apply?

Walking out onto the pier offered a good view, and there was plenty of people out for the day to fish or just relax and enjoy themselves. I walked a significant portion of the promenade and sat for a while to watch the various sports that were being played along the way; handball, squash, volleyball , American football. When I started walking back to where I had begun, I finally saw the roller coaster carriage summit at it's rickety peak, after it had looked closed all day. I knew where I was headed next. It was a great jaunt but you could feel how aged the 'coaster is, body being flung around, wheels squeaking, supports shaking... I was smiling but only because I wanted to go out with a smile. I think it should officially be renamed the Psyclone...cough...yeah, that was bad.
From the pier.

More like wait, I did that already.

Fools don't know what they got themselves into!

The craftsmanship is admirable.

After another walk around the area, I made my way back home. My crimson presentation should be enough to convince the weather man that the weather was due to be quite good that day.
Waking up to the sun shining through my window there was nothing to do but head back out and top up my lobster complexion. This time, I would do the damage in Long Island. After a brief train ride out to Long Beach my skin could finally enjoy the full on assault of the sun. There was a charge onto the beach but I had received a slightly reduced fee with a package deal for the train ticket. The beach was very active by the time I reached it (probably about 1pm) and there was various activities taking place along it's length. Mostly volleyball and some surfing further down. The beach itself was very clean and staying true to it's name, very long. I tested the waters today as it was quite a bit warmer than Saturday and it was a welcome relief. After a few hours sitting and swimming it was time to say goodbye to Long Beach, I'm sure it won't be the last time we cross paths.
Long Beach is long.

The sandpiles are the lifeguards lookout spots. Not too many pictures; people might have started asking questions.

Just back from sunny(ish) Mayo and the first thing to do was catch up on your blog! Glad to see you're getting some sun- I know Deirdre is an expert on getting a tan (as opposed to getting burnt) so I assume you are following her guidelines?! I think your Dad must be dizzy from crossing the Artic so many times at this stage but its great to hear he is having such a good time. Have a great week - looking forward to the next blog already!
ps - the site is back to English.
I'm back form Kerry and glad to see New York just goes on and on! So much to see! And drink (I've had those Saturdays too Andrew! Tee hee hee!!!).
I'm getting dizzy jumping from country to country and from sun burn to cold arctic weather. I now have visions of Andrew making snowballs and John parading down 5th Avenue. But heavens - what rain we have had in the past week! It was great weather for a few days in Kerry but then it was ... somewhat mixed during the week. Sunshine, mist, rain, sunshine, clouds, rain, mist ... and then more of that in the afternoon. However, shorts prevailed. They dry easy.
That looked like a great parade - loads of colour anyway. And you have to pay onto the beach? Wow! Surprised some enterprising Northsiders haven't thought of that for Dollymount.
Enjoy your countries. May the local Gods go with you. My next stop is Google Earth to see exactly where John is!
......and of course I meant Arctic (not artic as in the truck) ......just seeing who would notice......
Back in contact!!! The local systems blocked me from making comments but we've got past them now! Read your Blog on Monday Andrew and see you have learnt nothing from your mothers careful lessons in the ways of getting an unburnt tan. On the other hand you got to parts on NY that are beyond the reach of those of us who whistle stop through the city. Keep pushing out those boundaries. Fascinating too to see how spread out we are in the past week: Dublin must be enpty ... was there anyboduy in Croke Park to cheer on the Dubs? Seamus was kind enough to send me updates as the agem progressed and I was fearful that Dublin would fade in the last 10 minutes but they pulled through. We were in Mo i Rana having a meal at the time. We crossed back South of the Circle earlier that day and have since then bebeen steadily making aobut 300k a day south witht he result that the weather is warmer and the night darker: 24 hour daylight is amazing. The tops you and Sinead got form Lidl for this trip are now restign in varying palces across Norway having done their duty: thanks again for the early morining raid.
Until Monday!
AJ minus 3M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 18 June...hey wait a minute: its 25th at 0754 Norwegian time. Is there life out there? We are spending the day in Stavanger and board the boat for the UK at 23:00 tonight.
Due to unforeseen events, the creative director has had to delay proceedings for a day. Management apologies for the delay.
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