
OK, Let me explain....
Don't ask us why, but both Gary and I had our hearts set on one thing before we arrived in America; we didn't want to grow as people, we didn't want to learn responsibility, we didn't want to shop. We wanted to throw ourselves from an airplane mid-flight and hopefully live to tell the tale and since Darren shared our stupidity this weekend presented the perfect opportunity to fulfill our desires.
High-five, Gary and Darren, good times.

So after Madam Tussaude's on Friday, we didn't make our way directly home. Instead, we made a bee-line to the nearest Hertz car rental joint and picked up a car for ourselves. After a controlled exit from the car park (with Gary driving by the way, just in case you were wondering) we made our way down the avenues of NYC to get home. It didn't take Gary long to adjust to the American style of driving which, in NYC, is do what you want, when you want. After a few wrong turns and some general mis-direction (I blame the GPS) we were back into the safety of NJ, of course, we took some wrong turns there as well, but that's half the fun. We got back safe and sound and put ourselves to rest, we had a long day ahead of us on Saturday.
Up at about 6am, we were scheduled to be out at our skydiving location in Pennsylvania for about half 9 and so wanted to give ourselves some time to allow for any potential (Read: guaranteed) wrong turns. After a few hours of enjoyable driving we arrived at the airstrip, what greeted us was slightly un-nerving. A bunch of guys in a hanger playing some pinball, with an airplane in the back. Not quite as professional as I had expected at least. Of course, being America, they immediately put us to work signing our lives/rights away and once that was done got us suited up. There was little delay between signing/paying/suiting up/training and the opportunity to back down was getting further and further away at quite a pace. Training consisted of a 2 minute talk about how to prepare for the “jump” and then you were left to your own devices.

*breath* Weeeeeeeeeeee...

Next thing we knew, our names were being called and everyone started to line up. They squashed about 20 of us into a small-ish propeller airplane and began the ascent, no turning back now... and I hadn't even had time to reflect on my life. As we climbed, one of the guys opened the door on the airplane and I couldn't help but think “Don't be crazy!” but that was the least of my worries. It took about 5 or 10 minutes to climb to the required altitude where a few jumped out then we circled round for our jump. The realisation still hadn't fully set in, I had convinced myself that this was happening and that it was OK so I was fairly comfortable moving up towards the comfortable as one can be before they jump from a plane I guess.

You can see the Delaware water gap in the center, beneath my right arm. More on that later.

The initial fall from the door is a very alarming one as your body twists and accelerates but once the stablising chute is out and your “floating” at terminal velocity (~120mph) it's a complete rush, it feels incredible and I recommend that everyone has a go at least once! Once the full chute is pulled (after about a minute), and things begin to slow down, you don't get “jerked” as much as I had expected. While I was floating in-mid air, feet dangling below me, the facts of what was happening really hit home. I was 10,000ft above ground, with little more than some cloth above me. My instructor asked did I want to “have some fun”, to which I eagerly replied “of course”, which resulted in some quick turns and 360's while gliding back down to earth. Ironically, it was these moves that made me feel a little queasy. Once we came in to land, we spent the next half hour or so walking around the hanger to let to adrenaline die down a little before driving on and it was only 11:30am.

I approve!

While driving home, we unanimously agreed that it was too early to head straight back and instead opted to have a look around Delaware Gap while we were in the area. It was a cracking day (weather and enjoyment wise) so we just (or should I say Gary just) drove around the area taking in whatever sights we could. It was a lovely little region and the Delaware was fairly populated with life. After a while of driving, we thought we might have a look at some of the local waterfalls, but after a wrong turn (it was coming eventually) that led us about 40minutes off track, upon our return we got stuck in a traffic jam. After 15minutes in the jam, we turned back, satisfied with what we had managed (and needing to get the car back before 10).
Green stuff.

Green stuff on a hill.

Me in front of green stuff.

Our car; in the middle of our car-park.

Delaware River

Suffering from withdrawl. Hot, sweaty and still slightly queasy.

There was two, but one made a legger before we could cap him/her.

I treated myself to some Z's in the car (don't you love not having a driving license?) as we made our way back to Bayonne, where we tried to develop our pictures but were denied, instead we made our way to Hoboken and got them sorted there while all 3 of us tried to stomach the “Big Easy” burger for lunch around the corner. Once we had failed to finish our "Easy" burgers and collected our pictures, after driving half-way to Bayonne because we thought we had forgot the rental forms, we found them in the glove-department and swung a U-y (How would one spell that?).
After a weekend of solid driving (bar perhaps a close shave of a traffic cone in front of 2 squad cars, although the proximity from said cone is currently in dispute :P) Gary brought us back safe and sound to Hertz. We made our way home, laughed at the pictures some more, then collapsed into slumber. Sunday was spent recovering our bodies, but I suspect our bank accounts will take a little while longer to mend their wounds, there may be a quiet weekend or two ahead!
Hope you have enjoyed this mid-week special, I know we all had a great time making it happen. And finally, I present to you, the reason for the delay... the video.
Well that did it. What can I say. I'm speechless!
Now I'm feeling seriously queasy!
I'm afraid to get up off my chair as I feel my legs will go from under me. Glad I didn't know this was on the agenda...I would have had to discover a religion!
Glad you got back safely. What a shame Gary can mightn't have been able to do it otherwise.
I wonder did the old grey man pick up on the "bank account" hint!
I'd have paid you NOT to do it! I think you'll have to come home now.
Haha, yeah, I figured I would save you the anxiety and wait until I had returned safely to announce my intentions, but now that you mention forfeit payments... what I should have done, is gone and done it, then told you I was planning to do it! Damn!
I'll be coming home soon enough now.
I did have some scenic views though mam, I thought they might calm your nerves afterwards.
Brilliant!!!!!! Beats a parade any day! Now I just HAVE to sky-dive! How come the video was just of you? Did the others have their own personal video'er also? Great video anyway! Shows you just a little nervous as you exit the plane, but hey ... isn't everyone!! ... I suspect!
The "wait" until Thursday for this blog post was worth it. We should have suspected something big! Well done - great decision - go jump!
Yeah, we each had our own camera-man. You can see Gary jump just before my camera-man gets out of the plane.
Yeah, as soon as I saw it I could recognise the nerves "getting ready to jump...*gulp*...jump from a plan..." hehehe.
You should definitely give it a go sometime, it's right up your alley! I guess you have a country to cross first though!
ah lil bro you are such an inspiration to enjoy life and live each day to the MAX!!!!
looks like you are having such an amazing time over there and think without knowing it you are definitly growing as a person... please dont come home more mature and grown up than i am.... HELLOOO wouldnt that be a disater now!!!!
Now I've seen the video and its even better. Well done on a great day out ... Hooters seems tame now. Each week lifts the bar. Move over, new gneration coming through fast on the inside track!
Ohmigod.....I was still in recovery mode from the 'take-off and landing anxiety' after our plane trip home from France. Read the blog to relax and now the world is spinning - yikes! All I can say is glad its over and you survived and if you were mine I'd go over and bring you home personally!!!.....and Seamus - FORGET IT!!
Andy and Gary: the return of the Coneheads!!! I stand in awe...
Nice, I was going for the conehead look! I think it works.
Seamus and I are bringing Richard out as a rite of passage once he is 18 Cecilia.
Listen you little brat!!! you leave my Richard alone - Seamus I know (I hope) is too afraid of me to try ... but I don't think I wield quite the same influence over you - I might be small but I can be VERY nasty!!!!
*assumes fetal position*
Yes Cecilia, sorry Cecilia.
Ahh.......Cecilia smiles!!!!
Now you have it Andrew ..... with Cecilia you pretend to quake, she calms down, make the arrangements anyway, bring Richard out the door of a perfectly good but high plane, and tell Cecilia afterwards ... electronically ... not face-to-face .... !! Isn't the internet great?!
And I have noticed that jumping out of a plane really knocks up those "Comments" on the Blog site! 14 comments ... and counting! Even more than when Brendan y Carolyn were drawn in by Rodrigos y Gabriella! It's a lesson to us all. If you're doing a Blog ... get a parachute.
Brave Seamus - so very brave - wait until the next time I see you!!!
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