Take me out to the ball game.

Twas an interesting work in week as most of the figure heads were out in California at a conference to demo the package to clients. And while the cats were away.... The week included Nintendo Wii, mandatory free lunches, an early finish on Friday and a free bar on Thursday until about 10 or 11pm. Overall, not too taxing (har, har; can't believe I haven't used that one sooner).
In order to unwind after the hectic weekend, Carmel had generously organised a baseball game for our viewing pleasure. We made our way to Carmel's early on the Saturday morning where we were treated to a mouth-wateringly delicious fry, greasy goodness at it's best. From there, it was onto the number 4 subway towards Yankee Stadium. Once we were heading into the stadium I got pulled back because my backpack was too big...sheesh. A trip to the local bowling alley “secured” us a place to keep my bag and we were ready to go. I still had my camera on me, and luckily I got past the fella this time; take that!
Made contact, but fouled.

Myers came out when things started going badly; they only got worse.

Once we found our seats we were mighty impressed; right in-front of the pitching mound and about 10 rows back, not your typical seats. Unfortunately, things were not going to continue quite as amiably as the Yankees proceeded to do... well, nothing; apart from giving Oakland 7 runs. With only one hit in the entire game (and I missed it for the sake of the blog opening pic!), it wasn't exactly their best showing... thankfully I'm a Sox fan... *cough*. It had been a great day out, slightly tarred by the 7-0 hammering, but we couldn't complain, just hurl insults at the pitchers as they walked dejectedly from the field.

I had been meaning to get a picture of one of these for a while. It's a black squirrel, only ever seen them in the Bronx, how fitting.

Word had it that there was a free concert in Central Park on the Sunday; free? Sign us up. So we wandered down to Central Park on Sunday and investigated. We arrived just as it started at 3pm, but were subjected to possibly the most excruciating audio-martyrdom imaginable, suddenly, free wasn't so attractive. Thankfully we knew the act coming up was of a much higher standard, so we reluctantly grinned and bared it. We moved up closer for the main act and quite surprisingly got up to the front barrier with only a single body separating us from the act. The gig was a resounding success and much fun was had. Rodrigo y Gabriela, in case you were wondering ( perhaps Carolyn or Brendan have heard of them? ). Not too many pictures, as most of the cameras space was spent on videos and it's a little late to start video editing now, but rest assured, I got some good footage!
Team Torture. No doubt punishing everyone around them because they have those ridiculous beards and outfits.

Someone should tell him how to use that thing.

There we go, now he has it.


Head banging. ( though the shot seems to have focused on the blokes head infront of me >.< )

Totally zoomed out.

Ah what the hell; here's a video, editing is crap-tastic, you have been warned. Sun was reflecting quite a bit too.
Drained from the Sunday sun we made our way out for some food, by pure coincidence (¬ ¬), we stumbled upon a fine upstanding joint, only slightly out of our way, going by the name of Hooters. In we trotted. Shocked and appalled are the only words I can summon to describe the scenes I saw, Gary insisted we stay though and I am not one to argue. 15 “Hail Mary”s tonight.
Stuffed; we took the subway home to let the bloating die down.
Go Sox. We have another convert then do we? Oh how quickly loyalties change! You may recall that on your very first visit to the US Carmel had presented you with a NYY cap within minutes of your arrival. Brilliant that you got to Yankee Stadium and had such excellent seats. Thanks again to Carmel. Big week ahead of you now with 4 July coming up. No doubt you will get better weather than we have here: it was warmer, drier and sunnier in the Arctic!As for Hooters.........
10 o'clock now ..... I should really be having my tea .... but I feel a need to get involved in the whole "Hooters" thing. As you have very little description or pictures I'll just have to check it out for myself. Cough. And there should probably be one of those winking face things in here also, like ;-). I have managed to figure out most of them but even with my head tilted at 90 degrees to the screen (and people in work wondering if I'm trying to shake something out of my ear) I still can't get >.< but I do get ¬ ¬ if it IS wink wink!, although I can't find it on the keyboard - thank goodness for cut-and-paste!
Let's Go Yankees!! OK 7-0 is a bit of a hammering but the pictures were nice! And sounds like nothing could put the downer on a week of "work" like you just had!
Never saw a black squirrel before, and as for Rodrigo y Gabriela .... Brendan, Carolyn??
While you're on your knees: the garden is growing wonderfully here ... which means it has rained not-stop since about the end of April. Throw in a few more Hail Marys for a bit of sun on the ould sod!
Enjoy Independance Day! Go Hooters! Oops ... Yankees!!
Now ... kettle, cup, biscuits.
And to confirm (found inbetween dunking the biscuits into the tea):
The Irish Times, Monday July 2, 2007:
"Met Eireann has confirmed that last month was one of the wettest months of June on record."
You heard it here. Although you knew from the miserable weather. It's a record.
The >.< face; picture Homer Simpson saying "doh", eyes clenched shut.
One of the wettest Junes ever eh, I can't say that's a record I'm upset to have missed.
There are no words to describe Hooters; perhaps glorio...er, eh, sinful. No picture unfortunatly, but the images are forever burned in my memory.
Re R&G: former metalheads who decided that inflicting serious abuse on acoustic guitars was the preferred way to fame and fortune. Are regular visitors to Ireland (where their brand of singalong footstompin' Mexican sunshine) was first embraced by Joe Public (I suppose that makes up for David Gray) - Carolyn has seen them and rates them (she should know) and yes they reside on my massive eclectic music database (even if I only listened to them the once!). You shouldn't aplogise for the glare on the guitars - bands pay a fortune to video directors for just such special effects.
Re the Sox - glad to have you on board!!
Congrats on the "first". And whey hey Hooters - Dirrrty!
Brendan is now in pain!!! White sox - yuck - especially if worn with sandles!! You have black squirrels in the Bronx.......we have a black Mayor in Portlaoise!!!!!!!I will refrain from any comment on Hooters! Enjoy the 4th - Richard and I are off to Cannes this Wednesday, to be followed by Brendan on Saturday (Carolyn has to work) so won't get to see your next blog for a while.
Ahahaha, Carolyn or Brendan, in that order! And a new source of musical knowledge is unleashed upon an unsuspecting internet...ahahahaha. I've seen Rod y Gab a couple of times live actually, they rock quite consistently :D
Also, this Hooters obsession is cause for concern. Where is the culture, the evolutionary intelligence, the gentlemanly gall of such establi...*sigh* forget it...hope the food was good!
That's one powerful assault of comments! ;)
White socks and sandles are the height of fashion, unfortunatly I am currently sporting the white runners with black sport socks bonanza so cannot climb to the white sock + sandles arcadia just yet.
Ah, I figured you two might know who they were alright; your musical prestige remains unsullied.
Have fun in Cannes you lot. Carolyn, have fun working...?
Yankees rule! :P Stir things up around here
Let's be clear. It Red Sox or you are just wating your time. And will Susan be playing NY soon?
Well just look at that .... A mere mention of music stuff and both Brendan and Carolyn wade in there and get on the Blog!! I can just picture the que for the PC by the music aficianados! Great to see yis here! Note to the rest of us - if we want to raise the numbers, next time we're doing a Blog, book, party, table-quiz or coffee morning, let's just make SURE music (and particularly Rodrigo y Gabriela) get a mention. And not just your ordinary U2 or The Rolling Stones type music ... but the weird stuff ... I mean let's face it - most of us thought Rod y Gabby were extras on an episode of Miami Vice. And Andrew can you imagine if you hosted a Blog entry from a Hooters-with-special-weird-music-guest night ... the screen here would light up with the comments that would flood in!
A bronx bomber would definitely stir things up alright .... ;-)
Go White Sox, and runners. Well I hope so anyway 'cos that's half my clothes collection.
And would you look at that .... time for tea again ... Where does the day go when you're enjoying a blog?
Red Sox? ok now I'm utterly confused - is that red sox with sandles or red sox with white runners?! - either way lads its a fashion dis-aster!! (and yes Seamus we have noticed!!!!) You are right though - Brendan and Carolyn both read the blog over my shoulder but it took a musical question to get them typing (Brendan is still sporting a sore arm from the 'hooters' reaction!)Toodle pip! C.
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