Up the dubs.
So I finally got to take some basic picture of the workplace on Friday, so without further ado; I present to you, my workplace.
This is where I work, Gary is situated directly behind me (closest desk in the picture). Couple of guys on the right of us, with some Plexiglas separating us from the guys on the left. (Forgive quality, didn't want to set flash)

Here are the desks on the left of me.

And of course...

These pictures were taken on Friday, just before we headed out to Romeo and Juliet the ballet. That's right. We had walked past it one day and since tickets were $15 we said why not. So we made our way out to the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center on the Friday, arriving as probably the most under-dressed attendees in the history of the theater. It was a good night, at least it gave us something to do, but I would be lying if I said I didn't smile when they all died in the end. A worthy experience, but not likely to be a regular occurrence.
After our showing at the ballet, we needed to work on our man-points to correct any potential losses we may have suffered. So Saturday started of with some light hearted golf, but not your regular golf, golf; Rockefeller style, followed by some virtual driving. As was predicted, I was woeful. The Cooley cup may have to wait for now, or at least offer some warm-up time. (yeah, that's why I was so bad, no warm-up...*cough*)

Since we were right beside the Rockefeller we decided we may as well do the "Top of the rock" while we were there, so up we went (after a fairly hefty entry charge of $16) and this is what we saw. It was worth the price of admission in the end as you got a great view of the city and a real sense of it's scale.

A quick video of the city from up high.
After our strenuous golf workout we thought it would be best if we sat down to watch Spiderman 3 so off we went to re-visit the Imax theater. On our way we stopped in Central Park to watch some softball. Unfortunately, once we got to the cinema, all of the S3 shows had sold out but we bought tickets for Tuesday anyway so that's gives us something to do mid-week.

Back we went to Central Park where we tortured ourselves with one of the worst games in "sports" history. Two "teams", one aptly named "garbage", possessing what could only be described as skills befitting a 2 year old, "battled" it out for 9 grueling innings. Had our legs been able to lift our tired bodies we would have been out of there, although I was considering clawing my way out of range or perhaps banging my head on the benches until I passed out. Once we had recuperated we voyaged home, all the time putting serious consideration into signing up for that league and winning it.

Today I made my way out to watch some decent sport, although as it ended up, I only faired slightly better than the day before. I spent the day in the Bronx watching the opening round of the GAA Championship in Gaelic Park, Sligo V New York. The game was fairly uneventful and finished a disappointing 2-19 to 1-3 in Sligo's favour but it could have been much worse.

Still the day was a great one, it was just like being back home with all the old-country-man banter going on around me and it felt like the whole of Sligo had up-rooted and plopped themselves momentarily in the middle of the Bronx. I got speaking to an elderly woman on the subway home who had been to 49 All-Ireland's in a row, she was looking forward to breaking 50 this year. Unfortunately for her, she was from Roscommon (their last win coming in '44 against Kerry, losing in '46, '62 and '80 to Kerry), although she did give me a hearty "up the dubs" as she departed; "Please, anyone but Kerry". Hopefully we can fulfill her request.
This is where I work, Gary is situated directly behind me (closest desk in the picture). Couple of guys on the right of us, with some Plexiglas separating us from the guys on the left. (Forgive quality, didn't want to set flash)

Here are the desks on the left of me.

And of course...

These pictures were taken on Friday, just before we headed out to Romeo and Juliet the ballet. That's right. We had walked past it one day and since tickets were $15 we said why not. So we made our way out to the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center on the Friday, arriving as probably the most under-dressed attendees in the history of the theater. It was a good night, at least it gave us something to do, but I would be lying if I said I didn't smile when they all died in the end. A worthy experience, but not likely to be a regular occurrence.
After our showing at the ballet, we needed to work on our man-points to correct any potential losses we may have suffered. So Saturday started of with some light hearted golf, but not your regular golf, golf; Rockefeller style, followed by some virtual driving. As was predicted, I was woeful. The Cooley cup may have to wait for now, or at least offer some warm-up time. (yeah, that's why I was so bad, no warm-up...*cough*)

Since we were right beside the Rockefeller we decided we may as well do the "Top of the rock" while we were there, so up we went (after a fairly hefty entry charge of $16) and this is what we saw. It was worth the price of admission in the end as you got a great view of the city and a real sense of it's scale.

A quick video of the city from up high.
After our strenuous golf workout we thought it would be best if we sat down to watch Spiderman 3 so off we went to re-visit the Imax theater. On our way we stopped in Central Park to watch some softball. Unfortunately, once we got to the cinema, all of the S3 shows had sold out but we bought tickets for Tuesday anyway so that's gives us something to do mid-week.

Back we went to Central Park where we tortured ourselves with one of the worst games in "sports" history. Two "teams", one aptly named "garbage", possessing what could only be described as skills befitting a 2 year old, "battled" it out for 9 grueling innings. Had our legs been able to lift our tired bodies we would have been out of there, although I was considering clawing my way out of range or perhaps banging my head on the benches until I passed out. Once we had recuperated we voyaged home, all the time putting serious consideration into signing up for that league and winning it.

Today I made my way out to watch some decent sport, although as it ended up, I only faired slightly better than the day before. I spent the day in the Bronx watching the opening round of the GAA Championship in Gaelic Park, Sligo V New York. The game was fairly uneventful and finished a disappointing 2-19 to 1-3 in Sligo's favour but it could have been much worse.

Still the day was a great one, it was just like being back home with all the old-country-man banter going on around me and it felt like the whole of Sligo had up-rooted and plopped themselves momentarily in the middle of the Bronx. I got speaking to an elderly woman on the subway home who had been to 49 All-Ireland's in a row, she was looking forward to breaking 50 this year. Unfortunately for her, she was from Roscommon (their last win coming in '44 against Kerry, losing in '46, '62 and '80 to Kerry), although she did give me a hearty "up the dubs" as she departed; "Please, anyone but Kerry". Hopefully we can fulfill her request.
Good one. Keep an eye out for Carmen - now that you have 'done' ballet you might want to try Opera again. Do I take it you were not wearing a full dress suit for the ballet? Delighted you got to Gaelic Park: reports here this morning say that the reduced level of emigration is impacting on the NY team - they need new volunteers! At least you were spared the Eurovision: Ireland lst for the first time with only 5 points (from Albania). Glad to see you got in some golf practice: keep it up. Meantime the count is now two hatchlings and 7 quail eggs.
I heard a count of 9 eggs this morning from mam. I demand a re-count!
Full dress suit! Pah! runners, jeans and a t-shirt, as formal as I could manage, they should be grateful that I shaved.
I heard about our crappy performance at the eurovision alright, fortunately I have yet to find a video of our disaster.
Word has it there were 9 eggs initially .... but after a tasty but small breakfast in Palmerstown there were 7 ....
They all die in Romeo and Juliet?? Hopefully the main players will fair out better in Spiderman 3.
I see everybody has TWO screens in your office! What's that - one for work and the other for sports and the Table Tennis Open?!
Thats just great - I have to get the news from America that there were more eggs and that they had hatched. You're in trouble big bro!
Love the idea of your appearance at the Opera - they will have assumed you were loaded - only the mega rich would turn up like that!!
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