Monday, October 18, 2010

Glimmer of hope, beginning to settle.

So it's been about a week or so now and there has been some progress since. I can't remember a lot of it but basically on Tuesday last week I went into downtown to run around a few game studios that I had sketched down on a map. Of course I ended up forgetting the address book that I had created to go with the map and so wasn't able to find anywhere. I kept walking to the rough areas anyway hoping that there would be a sign or something obvious and managed to get into a few places although with very little success. Then I went into Relic and you might already know the deal by now. I got talking to the technical director, then a recruiter and was called back later on to do a further phone interview.

Rule #1; Set up camp where ever one can find free internet.

Rule #2; Never refuse free food. (Library breakfast drive)

Rations for the first couple of days...

The only picture of Vancouver that I have so far!

My hotel room at the start of the trip.

The phone interview ended up just being another quick conversation with the TD about the recruitment process and he said that even though there was no specific openings my enthusiasm and school encouraged him to give me a shot. So I did a test at home to write a simple sphere class and just describe some of the game related areas that I know about. This week I'll hopefully get to sit down with the lead programmer for Relic and see if there is anything he has to say.

Besides that I've been working away in the factory ( I almost did a full week last week, with 4 days so things are picking up. I have built myself a bit of a routine for this week as well so hopefully I'll begin to get more comfortable in the area and be able to get around a bit more on the weekend. This weekend I just stayed in practicing C++ for any possible interview that might happen and it's the biggest gap in my resume at the moment, so there may be a few quiet weekends as I try to improve on that but hopefully not too many once I have the money to go out and see the place a bit more.

It's not North America without a gallon of ice-cream.

It's not a metal gig without... seating?!

Cats welcome me to the new apartment.

On Sunday we went to the local ice skating rink to see what the locals got up to and it was a cracking hour... thankfully no bones were cracked though as I didn't even fall once (not sure how I managed that one, was pretty handy on the skates actually). We're thinking about going for lessons beginning this Thursday and I'd love to give ice hockey a go before I leave.


Anonymous Old Man said...

Great to see progress. Gas to see how you are picking up survival tips and to have them illustrated with some photos at last. Keep pushing forward.

19 October 2010 at 07:43  
Anonymous Cecilia said...

Took me a visit from your Dad to find this week's update, had followed your original link and was stuck on week 1! Glad to see you're settling in - not sure about the cats but better than pet rats....I guess!!
Great to see that progress is being made on all fronts - enjoy the ice skating, presuming you are well wrapped up in safety gear?!

23 October 2010 at 13:32  
Anonymous Seamus said...

Safety gear??!! .... ah Cecilia?!! Well done Andrew, continuing the pioneering spirit - in a travelling sense - not the abstinence one. What my dogs would give to get close to those cats! Keep the head up, and the breakfast down. Keep plodding away and all will get better and better.

29 October 2010 at 19:51  

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