We're goin' to the zoo, zoo, zoo...
And so we meet again.

This week was another good one in work, as a large portion of our office was moving to a new building that had been acquired just down the road, and so while there was a little disturbance, it was a slightly more relaxed week. So much so, that when support moved out of their area, no more than a few hours had passed before one of the guys had brought in his full-size ping-pong table. Well it didn't fit in his house so...
This is the same picture of last weeks night shot, only taken during the day... 'citing. This is also where we get the light-rail home.

We do seem to be settling in more and more ever week (as you do) but it does seem to be happening very fast as everyone is very welcoming and helpful. The work we are doing is actually enjoyable and going into good use and the weeks are going by much faster as we find our groove. I even find myself wanting to stay back for a while to get something to work... disgraceful indeed.
So all is going well on the work front, very well in fact.

During the week I went to a concert at Times Square; The Invaluable Darkness Tour for those of you who were wondering. It proved an entertaining break from the norm of weekly survival. Again, police presence at the concert, particularly afterwards, was very impressive. I spoke with some strangers, banged heads with some strangers, made most of my way home with some strangers and found out where the happenings happen.
Right after this picture was taken, these two went on a rampage; nobody survived. (The one on the left has a certain, "I'm putting serious thought to eating your wife" kind of look.)

On the Friday, Gary made his way out to the New Jersey Nets V Toronto Raptors game by way of some tickets given away in work. It seems that a great time was had and that I need to go into work on Monday and secure any further offers.

While we keep saying that we must plan what we want to do on the weekend during the week, it hasn't really happened that way so far. We woke up on Saturday without any real ideas but knew that we had to get out and do something. For the first part of the day we walked around the south side of Bayonne having a look around and seeing what else was available to us. We walked for an hour or so before heading into NYC to do...something.
We can't all afford sit around like this all day. Some of us have mouth-foaming fans to keep at bay.

On the way in, I remembered that they were showing "300" in the Imax theater here and that it would be getting axed soon as Spiderman 3 comes out. So I tossed that out as an idea, and Gary was supportive so off we trotted. Although we didn't know where it actually was so we just wandered around for a while asking people. We made it to the cinema a little after 4 with the next showing at seven so we booked tickets, got some food and then lounged around in Central Park for a bit watching some softball.
The Imax screens are Gigantic! It was great to see a Hollywood blockbuster on one of the screens surround by 12,000 watts of sound and we are thinking about arranging some sort of get together in work for Spiderman.

Making our way home, we became ever so slightly lost and weaved our way between streets and avenues, but eventually got home. Having spent 12 hours out and about, our legs were burning, despite not having accomplished all that much.

One of the ideas that we had been playing with on the Sunday was that of going to the Bronx Zoo, but since it closed fairly earlier, we figured it would be best to head out earlier in the morning and get the full days run at it and so that is what we did today. The zoo was a good laugh, not overly expensive and although the weather never did reach the heights that had been promised in the morning the day was still very comfortable. Pictures aren't great because it's hard to get a decent shot through the glass without the flash etc...

We also got a quick jaunt on some Camels, unfortunately there is no pixelated evidence of this and you will just have to take our word for it.
This was an odd gorilla in the Zoo that kept "regurgitating" it's food and re-eating it. And it wasn't just doing it once or twice, it was constant. You can hear other peoples reactions in one of the other videos I think.

He's coming for you little man.

Better start running.

Gorilla doing some random things
"Enrichment" program for Tigers.
Monumental battle between 3 tortoise. The odds are stacked, but the underdog manages to come through, narrowly avoiding certain death by being flipped turned upside-down.
Some lion noises.
On the way back we decided to show that warehousing joint who's boss and sign up for the year (it is $45 for the year, so between the two of us is quite reasonable), that'll teach 'em. We were not able to sign up right away, but were given a free token to one round of shopping (why was I not informed of this the last day?!) and so we took full advantage. Loading up on toilet-roll and kitchen roll; that was another entertaining walk home.
Arriving back after another twelve hour day, we collapsed in a heap of double velvet; it's not quite as comfortable as they make it seem on that ad where they are diving onto it from 4 stories up.
I guess we felt a little like these guys.

Next week it's meet the parents, but after that the weekends should pick up weather-wise and we should be able to better organise some things.

This week was another good one in work, as a large portion of our office was moving to a new building that had been acquired just down the road, and so while there was a little disturbance, it was a slightly more relaxed week. So much so, that when support moved out of their area, no more than a few hours had passed before one of the guys had brought in his full-size ping-pong table. Well it didn't fit in his house so...
This is the same picture of last weeks night shot, only taken during the day... 'citing. This is also where we get the light-rail home.

We do seem to be settling in more and more ever week (as you do) but it does seem to be happening very fast as everyone is very welcoming and helpful. The work we are doing is actually enjoyable and going into good use and the weeks are going by much faster as we find our groove. I even find myself wanting to stay back for a while to get something to work... disgraceful indeed.
So all is going well on the work front, very well in fact.

During the week I went to a concert at Times Square; The Invaluable Darkness Tour for those of you who were wondering. It proved an entertaining break from the norm of weekly survival. Again, police presence at the concert, particularly afterwards, was very impressive. I spoke with some strangers, banged heads with some strangers, made most of my way home with some strangers and found out where the happenings happen.
Right after this picture was taken, these two went on a rampage; nobody survived. (The one on the left has a certain, "I'm putting serious thought to eating your wife" kind of look.)

On the Friday, Gary made his way out to the New Jersey Nets V Toronto Raptors game by way of some tickets given away in work. It seems that a great time was had and that I need to go into work on Monday and secure any further offers.

While we keep saying that we must plan what we want to do on the weekend during the week, it hasn't really happened that way so far. We woke up on Saturday without any real ideas but knew that we had to get out and do something. For the first part of the day we walked around the south side of Bayonne having a look around and seeing what else was available to us. We walked for an hour or so before heading into NYC to do...something.
We can't all afford sit around like this all day. Some of us have mouth-foaming fans to keep at bay.

On the way in, I remembered that they were showing "300" in the Imax theater here and that it would be getting axed soon as Spiderman 3 comes out. So I tossed that out as an idea, and Gary was supportive so off we trotted. Although we didn't know where it actually was so we just wandered around for a while asking people. We made it to the cinema a little after 4 with the next showing at seven so we booked tickets, got some food and then lounged around in Central Park for a bit watching some softball.
The Imax screens are Gigantic! It was great to see a Hollywood blockbuster on one of the screens surround by 12,000 watts of sound and we are thinking about arranging some sort of get together in work for Spiderman.

Making our way home, we became ever so slightly lost and weaved our way between streets and avenues, but eventually got home. Having spent 12 hours out and about, our legs were burning, despite not having accomplished all that much.

One of the ideas that we had been playing with on the Sunday was that of going to the Bronx Zoo, but since it closed fairly earlier, we figured it would be best to head out earlier in the morning and get the full days run at it and so that is what we did today. The zoo was a good laugh, not overly expensive and although the weather never did reach the heights that had been promised in the morning the day was still very comfortable. Pictures aren't great because it's hard to get a decent shot through the glass without the flash etc...

We also got a quick jaunt on some Camels, unfortunately there is no pixelated evidence of this and you will just have to take our word for it.
This was an odd gorilla in the Zoo that kept "regurgitating" it's food and re-eating it. And it wasn't just doing it once or twice, it was constant. You can hear other peoples reactions in one of the other videos I think.

He's coming for you little man.

Better start running.

Gorilla doing some random things
"Enrichment" program for Tigers.
Monumental battle between 3 tortoise. The odds are stacked, but the underdog manages to come through, narrowly avoiding certain death by being flipped turned upside-down.
Some lion noises.
On the way back we decided to show that warehousing joint who's boss and sign up for the year (it is $45 for the year, so between the two of us is quite reasonable), that'll teach 'em. We were not able to sign up right away, but were given a free token to one round of shopping (why was I not informed of this the last day?!) and so we took full advantage. Loading up on toilet-roll and kitchen roll; that was another entertaining walk home.
Arriving back after another twelve hour day, we collapsed in a heap of double velvet; it's not quite as comfortable as they make it seem on that ad where they are diving onto it from 4 stories up.
I guess we felt a little like these guys.

Next week it's meet the parents, but after that the weekends should pick up weather-wise and we should be able to better organise some things.
Once again, brilliant. Great start to the week for us back in the old country!! Delighted to see how well its all going and to be kept up to date in such an entertaining way. Impressed with the insights into private sector corporate America. You should programme in a visit to Yankee stadium: its being redeveloped so its now or never!! You could have gone yesterday and cheered on the Sox. Never got to Bronx zoo but it looks like an interesting place: we skipped it on your original tour. Hopefully meeting the parents won't be too much of a chore but word has it they are looking forward to it anyway!! Have a good week.
I wasn't in the office yesterday - out working - not dossing, so when I started in the office this Tuesday morning with a virtual trip to the Bronx Zoo I was thinking "Can work be any better" ... and then I realised that some people bring a ping-pong table to work ..... I now hate work.
Glad to hear you're going to make plans to do everything worth doing in New York! Means we'll ALL get to do those things! Keep enjoying it, we'll keep reading.
So there's more to New York than clothes shops - wow!! Hope by now you're having a great time with the folks - looking forward to reading all about it. Have fun!
Hi Andy
This is the Breens here, anna has just been showing us your blog, everything looks really interesting, we were in stitches at your comments on your adventures,were glad your enjoying yourself as well as working hard,The Amish part was a hoot, are you missing home at all, personally i dont think i would probably some things not a lot though. your one lucky dude have a blast and enjoy every second, god bless and hope to talk to you soon. THE BREENS
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