Thursday, April 05, 2007

Still here.

Just a very quick update.

Sorry for the lack of posts, been very very busy since Monday and they took this site down for the past few days to update it.

Work is fantastic and we found a brilliant apartment but are waiting for a call to see if we are the lucky winners.

I will post a better post tomorrow, promise!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Was wondering what had happened! Did you see the comments that were left after your last post? They seem to be gone now!

Hope all's going well with work and all. Will check back shortly for your next promised post!

5 April 2007 at 16:06  
Blogger Andy said...

Nope, I missed those posts alright. Probably had something to do with their updates.

Thanks for the well wishes!

5 April 2007 at 23:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comments yesterday have not posted either. Pity you missed the one from Anna. Glad all is going well: looks like its cold in NY today. We are off now till Wed next!! No sign of your card. Hang in there: first wave of reinforcements being sent out on Sunday!!

6 April 2007 at 09:29  
Blogger Andy said...

Yeah, it has been really cold here the past few days :(, that's not what I signed up for!

You're off 'till next Wednesday?! Feckin' lazy, good for nothin' Irish. I think I get a half day today :).

6 April 2007 at 13:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi!! 6:20pm Friday and I'm only just about to leave work! It's been a Good Friday, but not a great one ..

I'm sick that you didn't get the comments after your last post - I had just got onto this site and was singing its praises! Anything for a distraction from work, but your brilliant descriptions make this the real deal! Was mighty impressed with the "summary of the day" - the hood, the nice part and the expensive part of town! Nearly laughed out loud here - which of course would have been the big giveaway, with them all thinking I'm working hard as something very hard. Also I was getting really into the whole accomodation search and was raging, still am, with yourwoman for giving the palce to someone else! She'll rue the day ...

I got the Xbox, thanks very much. Had planned to borrow it to play that soldier game but hardly getting a look in with Josh! He's loving it and is very appreciative. He's also very keen to know how you're getting on - I'll keep him up-to-date on your trip.

Cold over there? Great weather here!!

Sounds like all's going well, and here's hoping that continues - I'm sure it will. Continued good luck and enjoy it all! .... Seamus xboxin' (or trying to!!)

6 April 2007 at 18:42  
Blogger Andy said...

Hey Seamus, thanks for all the kind words (and the incredibly kind gift that I didn't get to thank you for before I left!).

Glad to hear that all is going well with the x-box, I assume you have it set-up on the HDTV?

I'm glad to hear that my ramblings are providing at least a little respite from time to time!

7 April 2007 at 02:12  

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