Save the planet, lose a job, party on!

So it's looking like there will be no work in the factory come Friday. There are rumours of potential orders soon etc... but for now I'm assuming that come tomorrow I'm out on my ass and will be in search of jobs. I'm not too bummed about it, the work so far has allowed me to find my feet and will tide me over for a while yet and now that I'm more settled it will allow me to job hunt and studio visit like I want to. It also gives me the time to work on the skills I need to work on. So it'll be a bit crappy but there is always a silver lining.
Last weekend was good fun, we got nice and tipsy after work on Friday. I am beginning to see how "work is the scourge of the drinking class", it seems all anybody wants to do after a week in the factory is drink. Drink and play board games of course. On Saturday I went out to a concert in downtown Vancouver, The Bloody Beetroots w/ support by Congorock and had an absolutely incredible time. Sound was spectacular, crowd was great and I got talking to some cool people.

After the show Sinead's friend in Vancouver, Julie-Ann, was kind enough to let me crash at her apartment as there is not really a viable option for one person to get home from Downtown to Richmond at any reasonable price. So I stayed there for the night and woke up refreshed having gained a free hour in my sleep.
Julie had been having a bad week and was not feeling so well but the sun was shining so we went for a walk around Stanley Park. There was a ton of people out and about walking around, running, skating, biking and it is a nice park overall. We built up a bit of a sweat, went for Starbucks and then sat at the beach sipping away. There was lunch after that and then I made my way across town to get to a Giants game.

The Giants are the local non-NHL team. So the tickets are about $20 instead of $200 and they're all trying extra hard as they try to get drafted into the NHL. The game was great fun with plenty of action and laughs to be had. I'd gone with the Irish couple from the house and they had brought along another Irish couple whom they knew and had come over in the previous week. They also lived about a 5 minute walk from the stadium so we dashed over there afterwards for some tea and biscuits.

Bold boy was fighting. Tut tut. There were 2 fights that night.
It's Remembrance Day today but we have the shipment in work to finish so I'll be working today, in light of this they've rewarded us with Monday "off" although I think we might get more than just Monday!
It's back to uncertain ground for me now, but that's why I'm here. Plus, I'm about to receive a phone interview for a rendering job so things ain't so bad. Just off the phone, seemed to go OK, might hear back next week... so stay tuned! :P

Boo-yeah, phone interview!
PS;I had this written on Thursday morning but had to leave before I got the pictures in, and I have been working 9-5pm today so this was my first chance to put things in. All is well for now!

Pictures worth waiting for - Brendan said the guy in the last photo looks just like you! Pity about the job but dont think you'll be out of work for long. Good to see sun is shining too, its not here!
Snooze and you lose it seems. How did that one get in ahead of me. Worse I'm in her house now to be told I'm late1!! A mixed bag of a a week for you so all on edge here for the next instalment. good to see your positive outlook.
Love those statues of people celebrating your phone interview! Hoooo yeaaaa! And love the pic of your man mixin' it on the decks .. or something like that .. jeeesssu sss this is so hard to write with haldf a bottle of wine in me ... haven't used the backspace key so much in ages so have just stoeed using it now. I'm sure I'd other stuff to say but have forgotten what it was! Have addred your Blog to my favourites so you can expect to hear from me more now! Yeeehheeeee or whatever those statiues are saying!
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